Friday Tech News

12/15/2023 - Big Quiet Week

Good morning and Happy Friday!

Thank you so much for making this a part of your Friday morning coffee time. I'm Phil Moroni, and I'm an Account Executive in the Information Technology industry here with another edition of Friday Tech News!

What is this? This is a newsletter that provides updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in the technology industry. I am a professional who specializes in supporting IT leaders in evaluating, investing, and managing people, processes, and technology tools that support their businesses.

Each week, I summarize relevant industry updates from popular Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's), software publishers, and managed providers. The goal of my research and newsletter is to keep you informed about current trends and events that may impact your business from a trusted and reputable source. It's just information I'm sharing, and I follow and work with hundreds of partners in the industry, keeping track of their growth, changes, and evolution so that you don't have to.

Bottom Line: As you focus on improving your business through digital initiatives, my commitment is to keep you informed of the fast-paced changes and trends taking place so that you can plan ahead and stay ahead of the game.

Key areas of focus for me are:

  1. Cloud Computing, Security, Trends

  2. Developer & Security Tools

  3. Networking & Infrastructure Tools

  4. End User Tools & Workspace Tech

  5. Emerging Technologies and Future Concepts

If you have any questions, would like information about any specific vendors I follow, or would like to have a conversation about any topic that is challenging you, I invite you to engage with me! I value feedback immensely and would love to know what you find valuable about this newsletter so feel free to reach out!

Thank you for reading and stay digitally and physically safe!


OEM News & Updates đź“°

  • This is a new solution aimed to simplify and reduce the cost of application security. It uses OpenTelemetry and open source to provide essential APM functionality in an observability platform. Pretty awesome.

  • A new…feature? I can’t tell since it’s free rn….but, it’s aimed at offering a more universal and cost-effective approach to application observability than APM…It combines logs, metrics, and traces from apps, infrastructure, and k8s into a single picture, enabling stakeholders to see the right signals and correlate information. It’s built for distributed microservices architectures running on k8s and other modern environments.

  • New Cloud managed database monitoring solution from Quest Software.

  • New solution from Drata that enables customers to manage end-to-end risk programs by continuously monitoring, identifying, assessing, and treating risks. Very cool from a leader in the space.

  • More good news from CrowdStrike partnerships. They claim this integration gives customers 360 degree view of API security risks with unique insights into the application layer attack surface. CrowdStrike also revealed their fund invested in Salt Security.

  • New feature! Fine grained authorization allows developers to define access permissions based on attributes associated with users, actions, and resources.

Articles I Liked This Week đź’ˇ

  • I really liked the perspective from the GitHub CISO. Take a read. AI is already impacting my workday in so many positive ways. How are you using it in your daily life?

  • For example, Copilot can generate notes and action items inside of a meeting. Have you tried that yet? Game changer.

  • This week I was fortunate to talk a lot about DevOps best practices. In a world where insider threats and unauthorized access violations are pervasive, RBAC is a great friend. What are you doing to ensure you understand access into critical areas of your business? How are you aligning on standards across the enterprise for access control into systems and are you even thinking about this? LMK.

Tech Funding & M&A đź’¸

  • Mistral AI is a France based Gen AI platform that provides solutions such as workflow automation and product development for businesses.

  • AtomicJar is a New Jersey based software testing platform that allows developers to build databases and web frameworks.

  • Essential AI is a California based full stack AI platform that provides productivity automation solutions for businesses.

  • Zero Networks is an Israel based network security platform that provides solutions such as micro-segmentation, ransomware and firewall protection for businesses.

  • Arcane is an England based AI Copilot platform that provides solutions such as email marketing, keyword search, content repurposing, and spend analysis for businesses.

Meme of the week 🤣

Recommendations 👉🏻

This is a section that I intend to build out more! Know fantastic newsletter resources for information? Please let me know so I can start linking appropriate reads here!

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