Friday Tech News

4/26/2024 - Big Week in Tech for DevOps Culture and GenAI

Good morning and Happy Friday!

This week I got to spend some time with quality partners and customers playing golf in Clemson SC. I enjoyed my time, especially hanging with Chris Sorrells from Elastic. I was pleasantly surprised to learn more about their offerings and solutions and what they’re seeing in the SIEM space, especially as it relates to GenAI. Their solution allows users to build powerful search engines and applications that can create customized, prescriptive responses using real-time data. Pretty cool stuff if you’re into that sort of space 🙂. 

Interested in playing golf and getting out on the course? Hit me up by just replying to this email! I’m usually available and can make things work so long as there’s tech to be discussed while we play.

Anyway, onto the news and the usual spiel.

Thank you so much for making this a part of your Friday morning coffee time. I'm Phil Moroni, and I'm an Account Executive in the Information Technology industry here with another edition of Friday Tech News!

What is this? This is a newsletter that provides updates and insights on the latest trends and developments in the technology industry. I am a professional who specializes in supporting IT leaders in evaluating, investing, and managing people, processes, and technology tools that support their businesses.

Each week, I summarize relevant industry updates from popular Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's), software publishers, and managed providers. The goal of my research and newsletter is to keep you informed about current trends and events that may impact your business from a trusted and reputable source. It's just information I'm sharing, and I follow and work with hundreds of partners in the industry, keeping track of their growth, changes, and evolution so that you don't have to.

Bottom Line: As you focus on improving your business through digital initiatives, my commitment is to keep you informed of the fast-paced changes and trends taking place so that you can plan ahead and stay ahead of the game.

Key areas of focus for me are:

  1. Cloud Computing, Security, Trends

  2. Developer & Security Tools

  3. Networking & Infrastructure Tools

  4. End User Tools & Workspace Tech

  5. Emerging Technologies and Future Concepts

If you have any questions, would like information about any specific vendors I follow, or would like to have a conversation about any topic that is challenging you, I invite you to engage with me! I value feedback immensely and would love to know what you find valuable about this newsletter so feel free to reach out!

Thank you for reading and stay digitally and physically safe!


OEM News & Updates 📰

Articles I Liked This Week 💡

Tech Funding & M&A 💸

  • Perplexity AI is a California based AI-chat-based conversational search engine that delivers answers to questions using language models.

  • Coveware is a Connecticut based IT firm that provides services such as ransomware incident response, data decryption and forensic collection for businesses.

DefenseStorm Inc | SEC FORM D

  • DefenseStorm is a Georgia based cyber risk management platform that provides solutions such as risk assessment, threat surveillance and fraud detection for enterprises.

  • Tines is an Ireland based SaaS platform that offers solutions such as workflow automation, threat intelligence, case management, data recording, and compliance for enterprise businesses.

  • is an Israel based digital platform that offers solutions such as GPU optimization, AI development and cluster management for MLOps, data science and engineering teams.

  • Egress is an England based IT firm that develops software products offering solutions such as email encryption, and anti-phishing for businesses.

  • Nagomi is a New York based cybersecurity platform that provides solutions such as risk management and threat protection for businesses.

  • HashiCorp is a California based IT firm that develops software products offering solutions such as code infrastructure automation and app orchestration for businesses.

  • Deci is an Israel based AI platform that allows software developers to build, optimize, and deploy computer vision, generative AI, and NLP models.

  • Darktrace is an England based cybersecurity platform that provides solutions including real time threat detection, automated investigation, and cloud security for businesses.

  • BforeAI is a New York based predictive cybersecurity platform that provides solutions such as brand protection and threat intelligence for businesses.

Meme of the week 🤣

Recommendations 👉🏻

This is a section that I intend to build out more! Know fantastic newsletter resources for information? Please let me know so I can start linking appropriate reads here!

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